Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Is a Wine Club for you?

I love the idea of a Wine Club where a different selection of wine arrives at your door every month. Not only does it expand your knowledge of various wines, but it's a great excuse to invite a few friends over for a wine tasting. Just the thought of it brings a picture of friends gathered around a warm fire on a cool evening sharing stories and laughter. Or, maybe your favorite spot is your kitchen where friends sip wine as they help you prepare a meal. We shouldn't need a reason to gather friends together, but these days, they sometimes get lost if the shuffle of the day to day grind. So, take a step back from the worries of today. Enjoy your friends and stop to taste the wine!
Here's a brief history of Champagne that I thought you would like.
wine.com infographic
Brought To By Wine.com, Purveyors of Fine Wine and Champagne

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Buttercup Memories

Every time I see Buttercups, I think of Mom.  I can’t say they were her favorite flower, but they definitely ranked near the top of the list.  You probably know them as daffodils or jonquils, but we always called them Buttercups in the hollow.
One year, near a favorite fishing spot, Mom and I found Buttercups blooming in a ravine along the side of the road.  We didn’t have anything to use for a vase, but wanted to pick a bouquet.  We finally used one of Daddy’s rubber boots that he kept in the truck.  I can still see that boot stuffed and overflowing with those beautiful yellow flowers.  And, I can still hear our laughter.  You would have thought we had stumbled across a pot of gold.  We came back later that year and dug up a few bulbs.  They still bloom in my yard today.
Have you ever noticed that Buttercups bloom in some of the most unusual places?  Every Spring, Buttercups will bloom and give a silent tribute to the past.  They show us where families used to live.  You’ll find them near an abandoned farm house, in vacant lots, fields and along the side of the road for no apparent reason.  Someone, long ago, planted bulbs and they multiplied over the years.  Do you ever think about the person that planted them?  Ever wonder what their life was like?  They carved out a living on a littlie piece of land and while doing so took the time to plant flowers for no reason other than the joy they bring.  Years later, when no one remembers their name, a stranger comes along and enjoys the view or perhaps picks a bouquet.  The joy spreads.  Lives are touched and made all the better for it.
How will you spread joy today?

Monday, February 6, 2012

Tomato Catsup or Ketchup

Catsup or Ketchup?  Which do you prefer?  Back in the hollow, we used to make our own catsup.  And, it was so much better than anything you buy in stores today.  The main reason was probably the home grown tomatoes.  I don't remember our catsup calling for as much salt as in this vintage recipe.  I think this recipe could be a great starting point if you wanted to make your on catsup.  Just use a couple of cans of crushed tomatoes and adjust the seasoning to your own taste.  And, definitely taste before adding salt!  I'm betting a tablespoon would be sufficient.

TOMATO CATSUP—This catsup has a good relish on account of the onion in it. Wash ripe tomatoes, cut them in slices and cook slowly for one hour. Press through a sieve to take out the seeds and skin. To one quart of this pulp and juice add one tablespoon of cinnamon, one of black pepper and one of mustard, one teaspoon of cayenne, one-half cup of salt and two onions chopped fine. Simmer two and one-half hours, then add two cups of vinegar, cook an hour longer. Put in sterilized bottles and seal.  Refrigerate.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Flaxseed Lemonade

One of my Aunts used to drink a cup of flaxseed tea every morning.  She would boil a few whole seeds for minute and then pour it into a cup.  Once it cooled enough, she'd drink it straight, seeds and all.  I never acquired a taste for it.  The water thickens up to the consistency of egg whites.  I ran across this vintage recipe from an early 1900's cookbook and it brought back memories of my Aunt standing at the stove making her tea.  By adding honey, and a little lemon, it made a delicious hot drink.
Flaxseed Lemonade
—Pour one quart of boiling water over four tablespoonfuls of whole flaxseed, and steep three hours covered. Then sweeten to taste, and add the juice of two lemons, using a little more water if the liquid seems too thick to be palatable. This beverage is very soothing to the irritated membranes in cases of severe cold.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Throwing Parties

Thanks for the post from Sylvester Campbell
Ever since my husband and I moved into our fabulous house, we love to throw parties. The house just has such a great setup for parties and we can’t resist throwing one whenever there is a reason. We have a pool in the backyard that is perfect for daytime parties and barbeques. We also have a lot of open space in the house that is great for cocktail parties, and even a dance floor with a DJ. We usually enjoy all of our parties, but we had some trouble at the last one. The ex-boyfriend of one of my good friends showed up uninvited, and started a fight with her. When we kicked him out he threatened to come back, and we were worried. We went to www.atlantahomesecurity.com and set up a home alarm system right away. So far we haven’t had any problems but we’re nervous about what this guy s capable of. He really went off the deep end when my friend broke up with him. We feel much better now that we have the house armed, but we really do hope he gets some help for his issues.