Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Signs of Fall

Somehow October arrived without my thinking too much about it. It seems like the last few months have flown by and it's too early to be Fall. The weather turning cooler so quickly didn't help much either. Have you noticed how differently you look at the thermometer at different times of the year? In February, we'll say it got 'up' to 40 degrees today. But, in October, we'll say it got 'down' to 40 degrees last night. One seems cold while the other seems warmer. But, they are the same.
There's just a crispness in the air on a Fall morning. Maybe it's knowing that in a few weeks Winter will be knocking on our door. I heard we might actually get our first frost this weekend and that is entirely too soon for me! It is one of the signs of Fall though. For me, one of the fondest memories is passing a barn with tobacco curing inside. The faint smell of smoke, mingled with the beautiful colors of the leaves always mean Fall to me. Those barns are fewer and far between these days.
In the hollow, Fall was always a time to prepare for Winter. We would gather ears of corn left over from harvested corn fields. It would be stored up in the corn crib. Later on we would shell it for the chickens or sometimes the bird feeders. Potatoes and onions would be dug up and spread in the smoke house for storage. It was also a time to order a load of 'slabs' from the sawmill. Hours would be spent cutting the slabs and stacking the wood. Later on, any fallen trees would be cut up. I don't miss the chores, but I do miss the warmth of a wood stove. I still love the smell of chainsaw smoke! Of course, another sign of Fall is a raking up a huge pile of leaves and jumping into it. When was the last time you did that? Nothing makes you feel more like a kid again! Find your own special memory this Fall and relive it. Hurry though, Winter is right on your heels!
Here's a recipe for the kind of Hot Cocoa that doesn't come in a packet!
Old Fashioned Hot Cocoa
Mix in a saucepan or top of a double boiler:
5 to 6 tablespoons cocoa
5 to 6 tablespoons sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
Blend in slowly,
1 cup water
Boil gently 2 minutes over direct heat, stirring until slightly thickened. Reduce heat and stir in:
3 cups milk
Heat slowly over direct heat or simmering water until scalding hot; stir occasionally. Remove from heat. Cover and keep hot, if necessary, over hot water. Just before serving, add 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract. Beat with rotary beater until foamy. Serve steaming hot, plain or with whipped cream, marshmallow cream or marshmallows. Serves 6.

Like this recipe? Check out more at this weeks Grocery Cart Challenge Recipe Swap!

1 comment:

Sunflower Sue said...

Your article brings back so many great memories. There is something freeing about running in the wind and kicking the leaves. I would not want to go back to being a kid, but I would love to feel like one again.

I truly enjoy your writing, keep it up.