Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! Be sure you don't do any laundry or wash dishes today. Eat your black-eyed peas, hog jowl and collard greens! Don't...well, okay, we all have our own customs. I thought you'd enjoy reading these...
New Year's Day customs say that “a good beginning makes a good ending,” that as the first day is so will the rest be. If you would have plenty to eat during the year, dine lavishly on New Year's Day, if you would be rich see that your pockets are not empty at this critical season.
Take care that no one enters a house empty-handed on New Year's Day. A visitor must bring in his hand some eatable.
Everybody should wear a new dress on New Year's Day, and if its pockets contain money of every description they will be certain not to be empty throughout the year.
If luck is to rest on a house the “first-foot” must not be a woman. To provide against such an unlucky accident as that a woman should call first, people often engage a friendly man or boy to pay them an early visit.
It is supposed that the wind which prevails on the first twelve days of the year will blow during each of the twelve months, the first day corresponding to January, the second to February, and so on.

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