Sunday, August 1, 2010

Toss in the Trash or Cool Glasses?


Simple Cookery Mason Jars

How many glass jars do you throw away each week?  Ok, so maybe you rinse them and throw them in the recycling bin.  But, what if you could reuse them instead?

If you grew up poor, you know all about ‘jelly’ glasses.  Jelly used to come in jars that could be used for glasses when empty.  You had small glasses suitable for breakfast juice or tall glasses perfect for iced tea.  It was a great marketing idea that swayed you toward a product with double duty.  Of course, this was before plastic.

Still, today there are lots of ‘glass’ jars and ‘plastic’ jars that can be reused.  The above picture may look like a normal mason jar holding pink lemonade.  In reality, it’s a reused pasta sauce jar.  I was very excited to purchase this particular product because the jar itself was labeled Atlas Mason and I thought it could be reused in canning.  However, when I tried a regular canning ring on it, I discovered the mouth of the jar is just a little smaller than a normal mason jar.  But, it still makes for a perfect drinking glass. 

Even plastic jars can be reused to store small parts, seasonings, or anything you imagine.  Check out one of my earlier posts for more ways to reuse jars.

The next time you’re looking over products to purchase, consider the packaging.  Where will it end up?  In the trash or can you reuse it?  Some jars are decorative and make pretty vases for flowers or gifts.  I’ve got a couple of instant coffee jars that I use to store popcorn.  And, yes, we ate popcorn long before the invention of the microwave.  But, that’s a post for another day!